Emotional Intelligence in Your Practice

Chances are you’re familiar with emotional intelligence. It burst on the international scene in 1995 with the publication of Daniel Goleman’s bestselling book (Emotional Intelligence), and has become the fastest-growing area of life and executive coaching today.

Coaches who offer emotional intelligence coaching:
– distinguish themselves from other coaches;
– help their clients accelerate their success and achieve bigger goals;
– gain a reputation for outstanding coaching and exceptional results;
– expand their coaching practices significantly;
– reap substantially higher financial benefits by offering more comprehensive, higher-level services

As coaches, we see again and again that it’s not how book smart our clients are that makes the difference; it’s how people smart they are.
Emotional intelligence is about becoming aware of our own emotions, in the moment, and the emotions of others, and using that information to manage ourselves and our relationships with others. Emotional Intelligence Coaching offers a comprehensive set of coaching skills and tools that provide a natural extension to life, executive and corporate coaching.

While cognitive intelligence (measured as IQ) is set at birth, research shows that emotional intelligence (measured as EQ) can be learned. What’s more, the research shows the best way to enhance emotional intelligence is to work with a coach.

Coaching tools are now available to support coaches in coaching emotional intelligence. Furthermore, EI can be measured, making it possible for coaches to help their clients identify their strengths and vulnerabilities, and pull together a comprehensive coaching program and development plan that will lead to accelerated client success in life and work.

I strongly encourage you to incorporate emotional intelligence coaching into your practice. You will be impressed with the positive results it produces for your clients (and for yourself!).

Dr. Laura Belsten is Dean of the Graduate School of Coaching, a Master Certified Coach (MCC) and a national leader in the field of Emotional Intelligence.