ICF Credentialing Pathway

 Know exactly the kind of academic training and education you will need to apply for ICF credentialing:

Associate Certified Coach (ACC)
Professional Certified Coach (PCC)
Bridging from ACC to PCC levels
Master Certified Coach (MCC).

ICF Credentialing Pathway

Summary of academic training and education for candidates who intend to apply for ICF credentialing: Associate Certified Coach (ACC), Professional Certified Coach (PCC), Bridging from ACC to PCC levels and Master Certified Coach (MCC).

What is an ICF ACC Credentialing?

ACC, or Associate Certified Coach, is a credential offered by the International Coach Federation, (ICF).  ACC candidates who have completed the required academic training and demonstrated competency in the final performance evaluation will receive documentation from CTA showing that they have successfully completed the required academic training and education for “ACC- Associate Certified Coach”.   In addition to the education and training listed below, ICF requires aspiring ACC candidates to document at least 100 hours (70 paid) of coaching experience with at least eight clients. At least 25 of these hours must occur within 24 months before applying for the credential. Coach Training Alliance facilitates reciprocal peer-to-peer training to help meet this requirement.

During the ICF application process, applicants will be asked to submit documentation verifying their education (ACC Level 1) and experience, which will be provided by Coach Training Alliance.  Prior to receiving the ACC designation from ICF, applicants must pass a Coach Knowledge Assessment (CKA) written exam (online multiple choice) which ICF administers after application is submitted.

Required Training Academic Training & Activities for ACC Credentialing:

Name of Coach Training Alliance Course or Activity ICF Requirement Satisfied Hours of Academic Training CTA to accept credit transfer or validate training by third party?
Certified Coach Program Core training and 2 Observed live coaching sessions with verbal feedback 60 No
Supplemental Coach-the-Coach

Core training with 3 Observed Coaching sessions with written feedback


15 Yes
Mentor Coaching

10 Hours of Mentor Coaching

CTA will validate mentor coaching hours from an external third party.

Alternatively: Mentor Coaching hours can be completed as a combination of Group + Individual (7 hours group +3 hours individual)



Individual Coaching = 10 hours


Group + individual= 10 hours


Final Performance Evaluation Verification & Documentation of competency N/A No

Total Hours of Training and Education:  85



What is an ICF PCC Certification?

PCC, or Professional Certified Coach, is a credential offered by the International Coach Federation, or ICF.  PCC candidates who have completed the required academic training and demonstrated competency in the final performance evaluation will receive documentation from CTA showing that they have successfully completed the required academic training and education for “PCC- Professional Certified Coach”.   In addition to the academic training and education requirements, aspiring PCCs are required to document 500 or more hours of coaching experience hours (at least 450 of the hours must be paid with at least 25 clients, and 50 of the hours must have occurred within the 18 months prior to submitting the credential application). During the ICF application process, applicants will be asked to submit documentation verifying their education (PCC Level 2) and experience.  Prior to receiving the PCC designation from ICF, applicants must pass a Coach Knowledge Assessment (CKA) written exam (online multiple choice) which ICF administers after the application is submitted.

Coursework for PCC candidates.

ICF requires that PCC candidates complete a minimum of 125 hours of education (at least 100 hours in CORE; the remaining 25 hours may be in Resource Development).  CTA’s required academic training coursework below satisfies 85 of the 100 CORE hours.  Candidates pursuing PCC level credentialing may chose from a variety of elective(s) to satisfy the remaining 15 hours of core programming & 25 Resource Development.

  • Required Academic Training and education listed in Section 1.
  • CORE electives Section 2.
  • RESOURCE DEVLOPMENT electives Section 3.

Section 1: Required Academic Training and Education (PCC Candidate):

Name of Coach Training Alliance Course or Activity ICF Requirement Satisfied Hours CTA to validate or verify training by third party?
Certified Coach Program Core training and 2 observed Live coach with verbal feedback 60 hours Yes, up to 30 Credits
Supplemental Coach-the-Coach Core training and 4 Observed Coaching sessions with written feedback 15 hours Yes
Mentor Coaching

10 Hours Mentor Coaching.

CTA will validate mentor coaching hours from an external 3rd party.

Alternatively: Mentor Coaching hours can be completed as a combination of Group + Individual (7 hours group +3 hours individual)



Individual Coaching = 10 hours


Group + individual= 18 hours


Final Performance Evaluation

Verification and

Documentation of competency

N/A No
Total Hours of Required Core Training 85

Candidates seeking PCC credentialing with ICF are required to complete a minimum of 125 hours of education (at least 100 hours in CORE; the remaining 25 hours may be in Resource Development).  At CTA, the required course work above satisfies 85 Core hours.  At CTA, PPC Candidates may select from a variety of electives to satisfy the remaining training hours.  Note: At least 15 of these credits must be in core Programming.

Section 2: Elective CORE Programming-

Name of Coach Training Alliance Course or Activity ICF Requirement being Satisfied Total CORE Hours Awarded Accept third party verification?

Human Capital Coaching


Additional Core hourse required by ICF for PCC

35 Core

5 Resource Dev


Advanced Executive Coach


Additional Core hours required by ICF for PCC

27 Core



Supplemental Coach-the-Coach


Additional Core hours required by ICF for PCC 15 Core Yes

Mentor Coaching


Additional Core hours required by ICF for PCC



3rd Party Coursework Additional Core hours required by ICF for PCC Yes
Total Hours of Elective Core Training 15 or more

Note: Candidates my elect to complete all 125 hours of their training in Core programming; however, most candidates will complete 100 of the required hours in CORE and their remaining 25 hours in Resource Development/ Independent Study. Candidates may select from the following electives to complete their training.

Section 3: Elective Resource Development Programming:

Name of Coach Training Alliance Course or Activity ICF Requirement being Satisfied Total RD Hours Awarded Accept third party verification?
See Graduate Course offering Additional Core hours required by ICF for PCC 4 hours No
Independent Study or Research Additional Core hourse required by ICF for PCC Up to 25 Yes
Niche to be Rich Additional RD hours required by ICF for PCC 4 hours *confirm No
Fundamentals of Organizational Coaching Additional RD hours required by ICF for PCC *TBD confirm No
3rd Party Coursework Additional Core hours required by ICF for PCC Up to 25 Yes
Total Hours RD Education Up to 25

Total hours of PCC Training= 125 (At least 100 are in Core hours and up to 25 hours in Resource development)


MCC Pathway

At this time, CTA does not offer a pathway for MCC credentialing; however, we do offer Core approved coursework from MCC level coaches.


ACC to PCC Bridge

If you have received ACC credentialing from ICF and would like to level up and become credentialed as PCC, ICF requires additional training and mentor coaching.  All PCC candidates are required to complete a total of 125 hours of training;  candidates leveling up can apply their initial coach training towards this requirement.  Example:  If the initial coach training program was 60 hours, the applicant would need an additional 65 hours (40 hours of core education and 25 hours of Resource development).  See PCC Credentialing courses section 2 and 3 for electives available for candidates bridging from ACC to PCC.  In addition to the academic training and education requirements, aspiring PCCs are required to document 500 or more hours of coaching experience hours (at least 450 of the hours must be paid.  Candidates leveling up can apply their initial coach experience hours towards this requirement.  At least 25 clients, and 50 of the hours must have occurred within the 18 months prior to submitting the credential application). During the ICF application process, applicants will be asked to submit documentation verifying **** TBD we are waiting on ICF to confirm what specifically the candidates need to submit*** Their initial coaching training and any additional coach training ??  Or will CTA provide them with a certificate showing completion of PCC. ???   Prior to receiving the PCC designation from ICF, applicants must pass a Coach Knowledge Assessment (CKA) written exam (online multiple choice) which ICF administers after the application is submitted.

Outstanding question:  ICF requires candidates to complete Mentor Coaching.  What if any additional Mentor Coaching is required prior to application when an applicant is bridging from ACC to PCC?

Watch the ICF video about how to apply for ICF Credentialing Here: