Your organization excels when its employees are at their best.

In addition to our programs for individuals who want to go out on their own as professional coach, we also have programs for companies. Explore how CTA can create customized workshops, provide basic training for front line managers, train internal coaches and prepare emerging leaders to meet the demands of the modern day workplace.

Discover how organizational coaching can contribute significantly to your corporate goals. When employees are coached internally – they thrive, find more satisfaction and are empowered to advance their knowledge, becoming more valuable to the organization.

Imagine what a coaching culture can bring to your organization.

Coach Training Alliance is a leading global coaching organization. Our International Coaching Federation certified programs, courses and workshops create positive change that delivers long-lasting impact.

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Corporate Coaching Programs


Benefits of Coaching


Challenges we helped Clients Overcome

Here are a few ways integrating coaching has helped our clients with: (click to expand)

[accordion openfirst=false][accordion-item title=”Millennial Development”]

Employees were not as far along in the learning and understanding as they needed to be. Integrating coaching helped develop leadership skills to bridge the gap, problem solve and work through blocks. Young employees feel comfortable scheduling sessions where problems can be shared and solved in a stress free setting. Morale has greatly improved because young staff understand there is a clear communication channel with every one of the staff members that completed the training.
Denver Boy Scouts.

[/accordion-item][accordion-item title=”Fast Growth/Merger”]

Our industry is growing very fast. We need our leadership team focused on strategy and managers who can step into the role of motivating team members and increasing revenue. Integrating coaching helped our leadership team leverage their strengths and prepare new managers to contribute in a meaningful way. Everyone stepped up more quickly to the new level of play. We have been able to respond to opportunities, create new revenue streams and grow our business.
Mortgage Services Company.

[/accordion-item][accordion-item title=”Industry Transition/Change”]

Our company shifted from pure manufacturing to supply chain virtually overnight. Integrating coaching helped us set our focus on common goals and operate as a united entity. The new leadership style helps identify real blocks that had prevented implementation and adoption of new behaviors. Coaching has helped us harvest ideas from lower levels of the organization. Employees feel valued and connected to the mission. Various business units now have a structure for dialogue and have found ways to leverage their strengths.
Manufacturing Company.

[/accordion-item][accordion-item title=”Emerging Leaders”]

Our high tech company relies on the knowledge, skills and capability of its people. Newly promoted leaders have had a difficult time transitioning into a management position. This training helped our emerging leaders think strategically and understand how to develop the capability of their team members. We now have a structure to hold productive and meaningful conversations with team members. We have honest conversations about real challenges which has allows us to navigate them more quickly.
Social Media Marketing firm.

[/accordion-item][accordion-item title=”Unsure of How to Coach”]

Most of us had not had any training on how to coach but we were being asked to do more coaching with our direct reports. A customized workshop helped us quickly step into our role as coach: how to coach, when to coach, when NOT to coach, and provided a simple structure for conversations with our team members. We are now more confident in ways we can engage employees differently.
FAA Managers Association.

[/accordion-item][accordion-item title=”Sales”]

Many of the advisory situations I engage in are not solely technical in nature. Often, my clients need help addressing their #1 priority. The Human Capital Coach training prepared me to facilitate that process with my clients. I now find myself collaborating with clients on a regular basis so that the advisory services I provide support their efforts to address their #1 priority. This partnership has greatly elevated the relationship we have on all matters both technical and advisory which has increased sales and engagement opportunities.
Accounting Firm.


Contact us! Learn how we can customize a program for your needs. Our tailored programs efficiently leverage your managers. Contact or 888-432-4121 option 3.

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