Become a Certified Coach with paying clients and a growing practice—in just 6-months—in this International Coach Federation (ICF) Approved Coach Training

Save $500 on Your Certification!

Regsiter between now and May 31st – Use the code FLASH when you register to enjoy the $500 savings!

Memorial Day Flash Sales Ends In








Coaching Skills

Becoming a good coach takes practice and time to hone the craft. If you are the person that people come to for advice – you are probably coaching now – you just don’t know it (or get paid for it).

Business Skills

Starting a business has it’s unique challenges, from “How do I start a coaching practice” right on through “How do I run my coaching business day to day?”

Marketing Skills

Getting started is just the beginning. Your coaching practice will continue to grow and thrive throughout the years when you discover how to attract clients instead of trying to “sell” your services!

It’s All Inclusive in the CTA Certified Coach Program!


Upon registration you immediately receive a login to the Coach Training Accelerator™ Online course. Over 10,000 coaches have used the Coach Training Accelerator™ over the past decade to launch and sustain their careers. It is a completely self-contained online coach training program we incorporate here as another facet of our unique learning system.

And that’s just the beginning – you can jump start your training and get familiar with the materials before your Certified Coach Program even begins. The certification training takes place via weekly teleclass and is supported by a state of the art online virtual classroom that you can access 24/7 and keep in touch with your classmates between the weekly calls.

 Do you want to know what it’s like?

Listen To a GREAT Coaching session right here:

Save $500 on Your Certification!

Regsiter between now and May 31st – Use the code FLASH when you register to enjoy the $500 savings!

Memorial Day Flash Sales Ends In








Nan Einarson

Certified Coach and
CTA Mentor Coach

Tues, June 13th at 7PM ET

Limited Availability

David Krueger, M.D.

Dean of Curriculum, CTA Certified
Coach and CCP Mentor Coach

Wed, June 14th at 10AM ET

Full Availability

Kristalyn Ryan

Certified Coach and
CTA Mentor Coach

Tues, June 27th at 9PM ET

Full Availability

The CTA Certified Coach Program is $2,897.00 just $2,397.00


Use the code FLASH when you register to enjoy the savings!

“The part of the course I like the best and that is helping me build my practice the most, so far, is the course software. It is very well done and useful. I like the examples, resources, sample brochures, etc.”

Gail Mason Marietta, GA

“The ‘coach the coach’ sessions and the feedback from those are the heart of the program. Coaching live is where the learning is for me. It builds my confidence and believability.”

Mary Alyce Owens Denver CO

“The materials are extremely comprehensive. I have talked with other coaches who are going through other programs and they are amazed at the fact that I already have a business plan, I’m working on a website and I’m already coaching clients.”

Stacye York Sand Spring, OK


Questions?  Call Lisa right now!

303 991 0388



You also get:

Free Coaching Website - Save Up to $750!


One of the biggest challenges facing new coaches today is their website. There are simply way too many options out there that you can easily become overwhelmed with information overload.

To make this as easy as possible for you – all you need to do to get started on your first website is create an account on the network and you have your coaching website online in a matter of minutes – for FREE!

Access to the Coach Training Accelerator™ Online Coaching Community


The Coach Training Accelerator™ Online Coaching Community sets a new bar for online coach training as a fully digital interactive online training community – the first of it’s kind in the industry!

Lifetime subscription included with your registration!

FREE Success Without Selling ($39 value)

Gain high visibility and greater credibility at the same time. With this eProgram you read AND listen to the strategies, techniques, and detailed formulas used by successful professionals who hate to sell. Dramatically increase your income–without selling–using the resources you already have.

Access To The CTA Virtual Classroom

All of your training is delivered via teleclasses and the state of the art Virtual Classroom that provides access 24/7 to all your training materials and keeps you connected to your peers in between the weekly calls.

Free Listing on The Life Coach Directory

All CTA Certified Coaches are eligible for a completely free listing on the highly ranked CTA Coach Directory as soon as you graduate! CTA helps you grow your coaching business like no other training school can!

Free Access to The CTA Coaching Vault


The Next Certified Coach Program Starts soon!