My One Word

My One Word

Many people are moving from resolutions to the idea of choosing one word to define, inspire, refresh or motivate a change they are looking for in the year ahead. This movement aligns so well with coaching as a profession.

Think for a moment about “coaching” or “coach” in the context of your One Word if you are a part of this movement. If the One Word movement is new to you, play with the idea of a word choice for your coming year.

Here at Coach Training Alliance, our word for 2018 is SHIFT.

As the President of Coach Training Alliance, I want to personally invite you to hear our very own Lisa Pisano explore the idea of SHIFT and share how viral SHIFT can be – it literally has changed the lives of thousands of our graduates and then multiplied onto their paying clients.

SHIFT into the possibility of your own sustained practice.

SHIFT into a career where feeding the change others want to see is personally rewarding.

SHIFT into a 2018 fueled by a community of educators that have guided the paths of so may great people like you looking for the next great SHIFT in their lives…

Please join Lisa here:

Author: Chris Osborn is the President of Coach Training Alliance. His lifelong learning includes experience as CEO of a large financial services company and founder of several growth oriented service companies.