Meet Your Mentor Coach
Carrie Martello
Certified Coach Program Mentor Coach, Yoga2Life Mentor Coach
Friday, December 11th @ Noon ET
(11am CT, 10am MT, 9am PT)
One 75-minute Session
Free! (Regular Price $79.00)
Learn how to bring yoga to life. Tools and strategies for using the principles of yoga to work through challenges, create opportunities and manifest change in life outside the studio.
Would you like to do more with your yoga training? Are you curious about learning ways to use yoga to create alignment and manifest change for yourself? Would you like to assist others as they work towards change?
The Yoga2Life Workshop is custom built for members of the yoga community who want to bring the power and impact of yoga to their lives outside the studio. This program provides tools and strategies used by professional coaches as well as a 5 step process (or sequence) that you can use to overcome obstacles and strive toward change. Together in class, you will experience first-hand the sequence for navigating change and creating alignment. Receive tools and strategies you can use on yourself or with others. Discover techniques you can integrate back into yoga practice to improve your practice and capability as a teacher or facilitator.
The class is 75 minutes and meets via Zoom videoconferencing.
Focus: Creating sacred space, Using powerful questions to clarify intentions and generate awareness, Goal setting, Accountability for action.
Who should attend this class? Yoga teachers, yoga enthusiasts and those in the mind-body industry who practice yoga. Yoga Individuals seeking beginning to intermediate level training on coaching skills and/or need help creating engagement. Established coaches curious about integrating yoga principles into their coaching practice. Anyone interested in leveraging their knowledge and experience with yoga to assist others as they navigate change.