Be Instrumental in the Success of Others

Career coaching is a great profession. A career coach can help clients find the passion they have lost in their chosen careers or find the courage to move into a new career. The entire process – from exploring possibilities, to the moment of discovery and finally, implementing the plan – is very rewarding for the client and the coach personally and financially.

At Coach Training Alliance there is a wealth of opportunity. You will be mentored by world class coaches with real world experience in career coaching. Better yet, you’ll be able to put your knowledge into practice before you’ve graduated. Coaching paired with business development and marketing skills are just the ticket you need to becoming a successful career coach.


Become a Certified Career Coach and enroll in one of the Coach Training Alliance Programs featured below!

The Career Coaching Mastery Certification Program

The Art & Science of Coaching Career Transitions


What Do I Do Now?

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Becoming a Coach

 Experience how our training methods enable you to become a world-class coach in just 6 months!

Certified Coach Program

Intensive coach training that incorporates an earn-while-you-learn apprenticeship unique to the industry..