Align Organizational Values with a Unified Mission

Does coaching really work in the corporate environment? A recent study in the Journal of Public Personnel Management found that training improved managerial productivity 22.4% while training plus coaching improved productivity 88%.

The quality of the relationship between boss and subordinate is a major predictor of success. Talking with subordinates about their developmental needs absolutely affects that relationship positively and there’s a big potential payoff. People don’t quit their jobs, they quit their managers. Having a value added manager aids in retention and employee performance. Corporate Coaching makes for more value added managers.

A corporate coach takes into consideration the vision, mission and culture of an organization and the values and professional goals of an individual. The goal is to make sure that both are in alignment.

When the vision, mission and culture of an organization are in alignment with an individual’s values and professional goals, the employee is committed to the organization, more productive, effective and happier at their job. This handles the retention and productivity issues that many organizations face.

The Goals of the Corporate Coaching Culture

  • Articulate the organization’s vision, purpose, direction, strategies, major goals and actions.
  • Involve/include members to acquire understanding, connection, commitment, passion and ownership.
  • Align member goals, actions and expectations with those of the organization.
  • Remove barriers and provide resources.
  • Follow up and hold people accountable.
  • Promote feedback, input and idea-sharing from members.
  • Challenge and inspire the organization and its individual members to stretch for greatness.
  • Develop and grow people through meaningful work.
  • Increase work/career satisfaction and personal fulfillment.
  • Create a positive, productive community of members who volunteer their best and fulfill their potential.

Why is the word member used instead of employee? Think about it. The word member implies a person is a part of an organization because they want to be. They understand what the organization stands for and are totally on board! This creates a win-win environment. “Win-Win” is a belief in the third alternative. It’s not your way or my way. It’s about creating a better way!


What is Corporate Coaching Like?

There are different areas of expertise in Corporate Coaching: 1-on-1 Coaching, Internal Coaching, and Training. A person can choose to be a 1-on-1 Corporate Coach who offers their services to professionals. With this type of coaching, the “coachee” finds a coach they trust and are comfortable confiding in. They meet with their coach on a scheduled basis. They want to improve and reach professional goals and want an objective person to hold them accountable to their goals.

At CTA, we use the term Human Capital a lot. We do this with intention as it’s the human capital of organizations that make the difference.

This coaching is more “holistic” in approach and focuses on overall growth and development of the whole person. This includes addressing personal challenges as well as professional barriers. Typically, the coachee pays the coach out of their own budget.

At Coach Training Alliance, our Mentor Coaches will guide you to improve your ability to coach others in an organization. Our programs are designed to not only give you essential coaching skills, but also the business development and marketing expertise to efficiently support others within an organization.


Start Your Certification as a Corporate Coach and Enroll in a Coach Training Alliance Program Featured Below!


Becoming A Coach Workshop

Complimentary Live & Online Coach Training

Certified Coach Program

Guided Apprenticeship to Build Your Coaching Practice

Coach Training Accelerator™

Self Paced Curriculum from the Certified Coach Program

Organizational coaching

Enterprise Solutions for Organizations

Core Coaching For Effective change

Develop Internal Coaching Skills