Coach Training Alliance is revolutionizing professional coaching. As a leading, global coaching organization, it’s our prerogative to help maximize your potential through life coaching, professional coaching, and personal coaching by enriching your lives and creating better, profitable opportunities. Thousands of coaches have come to Coach Training Alliance for our ICF approved certified coaching programs and continuing education courses. Our specialized coaching programs, courses, and workshops are designed to create positive change, regardless of the types of goals. We aim to inspire and to radically change the way you invest your time and energy for the better.

What Distinguishes Coach Training Alliance?

  • Specialized Coach Training Programs in addition to business and marketing skills refinement
  • Coach Training Alliance Social Learning System lets you learn with convenience wherever you are, while participating in live, interactive, engaged learning and practice.
  • Coach and Be Coached. Learn not only how to coach, but put your learning into practice. Talk the talk and walk the walk outside the traditional classroom or conference room.
  • Small, intimate class sizes that afford the learning alliance to become a great coach.
  • Our faculty is second to none in passion and real world coach business building experience.
  • Our network of 8,000 alumni in 13 countries with numerous alumni support and business building opportunities. Check out our Alumni Network.

What is the Golden Opportunity?

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Thommy Thomas, Ph.D.Opposite Strengths® Coach

What is Coaching?


  • Career Transition
  • New Business Launch
  • State of Dissatisfaction
  • Life Choice Reevaluation
  • Personal and/or Professional Roadblocks

Coaches come from all walks of life. Whether you’re in the corporate or education sectors, consulting, communications, law, or healthcare, Coaching is where your life experience, business expertise, and people skills intersect and produce meaningful, measurable results.

“I know I could be good at this and I’m convinced I will be a great coach one day. But how do I get there from where I am now?”

You learn by experience! The best training ground is actual coaching in real world situations. You can immediately apply your newfound knowledge directly with real clients. Coach Training Alliance programs are designed to put your new skills in context, try them out, and make them relative to your previous experience

If you wait to start coaching until you have mastered it, you’ll never begin. That is, after all, why they call it a practice.  Your interest in investigating coaching is significant indicator that you have the skills and passion to build a great coaching business, why not start today?

  1. Has a strong sense of self, value themselves intrinsically, are confident and show up authentically.
  2. Willing to evolve and develop themselves.
  3. Listen at the deepest levels, know how to filter out their own emotions, judgments and conclusions.
  4. Genuinely curious about people and have a healthy sense of humor and humility.
  5. Live from high personal integrity, “walk their talk,” tell the truth, know how to get their own needs met.
  6. Open to change, not attached to outcome, and can make themselves blank for the client’s agenda and solutions to emerge.
  7. Financially stable, think and act like an entrepreneur and business owner.
  8. Balanced in life and have a strong support system.
  9. Respects boundaries and understands the client knows what is best for them.
  10. Intuitive, courageous, creative, and willing to take the chance of being wrong

Knowledge is potential power.  Actual power comes from integrating knowledge into practice. Find a program that builds on what you already know and allows you to leverage the skills and abilities you already have. Coach Training Alliance gives you the experience in learning that puts these skills into action.  Our programs are tailored to your expertise, so you feel challenged and accomplished after every class.  More importantly, you will learn by doing not just watching a webinar or reading a book.

You want training that answers the following questions:

  1. What skills do I need and how do I develop them?
  2. How do I establish my business and get clients?
  3. How do I set up a coaching relationship with my client?
  4. What happens in coaching sessions?
  5. How do I manage my clients?

Good training doesn’t need to be expensive or take years to complete. Our programs combine:

  1. Quality curriculum and resources you can read and discuss in class.
  2. Practical information on coaching skills, marketing and being an entrepreneur.
  3. A community of coaches where you can share ideas, wins, and challenges.
  4. A safe environment where you can coach and get valuable feedback about your coaching.

Choose your coach training based on the program offerings, your instinct, and your personal experience with the course orientation and your communication with the instructors of the training organization. The program should:

  1. Provide a structure with an easy to follow learning sequence.
  2. Place you in a learning environment with other coaches and mentors.
  3. Facilitate and support client acquisition and income generation.
  4. Immerse you in real world training that is practical, not theoretical.

Coach Training Alliance’s Certified Coach Program explores all these fundamental blocks of a successful coaching program.

Certification is not required in order to begin coaching clients for a fee. Good training, however, will show you multiple ways of engaging people in positive experiences that show you at your best. What prospects and clients care about most is what you can do for them? As the coaching industry has grown, matured and become more mainstream, certification becomes more often required by the clients.

Some training organizations and associations offer their own certifications. Each vary in terms of time, fees, and examinations required.

For some programs it can take years and a significant investment to get all the pieces in place to become a certified coach. But most importantly, you need to be sure coaching is the right fit for you without spending an excessive amount of time or money.

Our Certified Coach Program is the shortest in duration and requires the smallest investment meanwhile providing comprehensive coach training from renowned, certified coaches.

Yes. Consider that with as few as 15 regular clients, a diligent coach can earn $50,000+ a year working from home just a few days a week.  Some coaches and CTA graduates have built multimillion dollar coaching businesses including Fabienne Frederickson’s Client Attraction System™, Kendall Summerhawk’s Boost Your Biz, and Kirk Dando, the “Company Whisperer.”

The International Coach Federation estimates that there are approximately 116,000 part-time and full-time coaches worldwide, with an average annual income ranging from $35,000 to $100,000 and up. Certain specialty coaches earn considerably more.

Your financial success depends on your ability to take consistent action and your willingness to promote yourself. Coach Training Alliance incorporates business and marketing techniques unique to professional coaching in every program to ensure your approach is effective and cost efficient.

Collect all the necessary information to make you successful and line up your support systems. Becoming a coach doesn’t happen overnight, and it will take both time and patience to get everything ironed out. You are about to become an entrepreneur. Don’t quit your “day job” right away. Give yourself time to develop a successful coaching practice.

With this in mind, the Coach Training Alliance (CTA) offers condensed coach training programs, like the Coach Training Accelerator™, so you can learn better, faster, and for less money than any other training program.  Our classes are small, supportive and enhanced through our premier social learning platform and academic solutions.

Make a commitment to yourself to do what it takes to become a coach. Enroll in the Coach Training Alliance program that best suits your needs and will enable you to grow your practice and client base quickly!

Questions or Concerns? Contact Us!

Call us toll-free at 888-432-4121 OR contact Admissions Advisor and Certified Coach, Lisa Pisano on her direct line 303-991-0388.


Do You Have What It Takes to Become a Coach?

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The Coaching field is still in its infancy, but moving rapidly towards world renown. Considering just about everyone can benefit from having their own coach, the demand for new coaches will increase tremendously.
We look forward to coaching you in the training program right for you. Click here to see all our Certified Coaching Programs.