Performance Evaluation

Are you pursuing your ACC level credentialing with ICF?  We can help!   The Performance Evaluation at Coach Training Alliance helps you fast track your ICF Application.    It is the last part of our ICF approved Level 1 Program.  The performance evaluation ensures an applicant’s coaching is aligned with the ICF Core Competencies and verifies their ability to coach at the ACC level or higher.

Who is eligible?

The evaluation is the last step in Coach Training Alliance’s ICF approved Level 1 program.  Prior to taking the ‘performance evaluation’ candidates complete:  60 hours of initial coach training, a total of 5 observed coaching sessions, 10 hours of mentor coaching and 100 hours of coaching experience.  If you have questions or need help completing any of these requirements, please contact

Who will conduct the evaluation?

The evaluation will be conducted by a faculty member of Coach Training Alliance.

What are assessors looking for during the evaluation?

Assessors will listen for examples where the coach demonstrates their understanding of ICF’s core competencies.  ICF provides detailed information on minimum skill requirements and what is considered a passing performance. Click HERE for more information.

How long does my coaching session need to be?

The session should be 20-40 minutes in length. The session should be long enough for a full coaching conversation.

What needs to be included in the session?

At the beginning of the recorded session, you must make a statement that the session is being recorded and that you are using this session for a performance evaluation. The client being coached must provide verbal consent stating that they understand the session is being recorded and they must give you permission to use the session for a performance evaluation.

How do I submit my recorded session for review?

Recordings should be submitted via email to Acceptable file formats include mp3 or mp4. In your message, please include your full name, a phone number and a preferred email address for further communication.  You will receive additional information and detailed instructions once you pay the Performance Evaluation Fee below.

What is the fee for the Performance Evaluation?

The fee is $150.00 and it is paid to Coach Training Alliance.

How long will it take to receive feedback?

Reviews are typically completed within 8-10 business days. You will receive a pass/fail notification via email along with feedback regarding the submission (quality of coaching, ability to coach at the ACC level).  You will also receive instructions, documentation and support for how to submit your application to ICF.