The Certified Coach Program

Become a Certified Life Coach with paying clients and a growing practice – in just 6-months – in this International Coach Federation (ICF) Approved Coaching Certification Program

Meet Our World Class Mentor Coaches!

Are You Ready to Start Living the Life You Dream of in [geoip_detect2 property=”city”] [geoip_detect2 property=”mostSpecificSubdivision”]?

The Next Certified Coach Program Starts In:








Register Now

Rebecca Brown

Certified Coach
and CTA Mentor Coach

Wed March 22 @ 9:00 pm

Cody Williams

Certified Coach
and CTA Mentor Coach

Wed March 29 @ 10:00 am

David Krueger, M.D.

Dean of Curriculum 
and CTA Mentor Coach

Wed April 5 @ 1:00 pm

Laurie Cameron

Certified Coach
and CTA Mentor Coach

Tues April 18 @ 7:00 pm

When you begin this step-by-step process, there is no wondering when you will complete the program.

Within six months, you will become a Certified Coach with a growing practice.

No other coach training program prepares you for real-world coaching better than CTA’s Certified Coach Program!

You begin with the Becoming a Coach orientation teleclasses.

In this first session, you discover the inside scoop on what established coaches are doing with great success. Plus, you have those burning questions answered.

The Certified Coach Program is a combination of live teleconferencing, online media, and interactive software downloaded directly to your computer.

You experience: Group Mentoring | Coach the Coach | Self Study | Observation & Critique. All courses are delivered in English.

Upon registration you immediately receive your course software.

Hundreds of coaches have used the Coach Training Accelerator™ to launch and sustain their careers. It is a completely self-contained coach training program we incorporate here as another facet of our unique learning system.

The mentoring group consists of you, your Mentor Coach and your fellow classmates.

Classes are held weekly via teleconference over dedicated, private bridgelines and within our Virtual Classrooms. These instructor led sessions target specific coaching tools, techniques and models.

Throughout the program you will coach, be coached, and observe coaching as it happens.

Members of your mentoring group become your “community of practice.” This is where you learn by example and through practical experience

Enjoy unlimited access to this online private forum designed exclusively for your class.

You’re able to share your progress, questions, challenges and resources with your classmates as well as stay connected outside of class.

“The materials are extremely comprehensive. I have talked with other coaches who are going through other programs and they are amazed at the fact that I already have a business plan, I’m working on a website and I’m already coaching clients.”
Stacye York Sand Spring, OK

“It’s liberating to know I can apply the principles learned without giving up my own creative signature (approach) in the process.”

Blanca Stephens South Huntington, NY

“Overall this course really has everything I was looking for. It is a good blend of handling the business and marketing aspects of coaching along with developing the right skills and tools. Of all the classes and investigation I did this course always came right back on top. “

Loree M. Paulson Lisle, IL

“Knowing I have to face the group each week keeps me motivated to stay on top of assignments and make sure I am prepared. I so look forward to each week’s class because it is a solid hour of positive thinking and feedback.”

Lisa Aker New Milford, CT

“The ‘coach the coach’ sessions and the feedback from those are the heart of the program. Coaching live is where the learning is for me. It builds my confidence and believability.”

Mary Alyce Owens Denver CO

“This is a fantastic program. You guys have all the bases covered. I loved that this program covered everything from learning how to coach to starting your own business and everything in between. No other course that I researched offered all of this.”

Brenda Louis Kitchener, Ontario

Register Now

Rebecca Brown

Certified Coach
and CTA Mentor Coach

Wed March 22 @ 9:00 pm

Cody Williams

Certified Coach
and CTA Mentor Coach

Wed March 29 @ 10:00 am

David Krueger, M.D.

Dean of Curriculum 
and CTA Mentor Coach

Wed April 5 @ 1:00 pm

Laurie Cameron

Certified Coach
and CTA Mentor Coach

Tues April 18 @ 7:00 pm

What to expect

Class Size

Limited to a maximum of 12 participants. Research has found, and our experience confirms, that 10-15 students is ideal. Less than ten lowers the synergy and the group learning dynamic. More than fifteen crowds the opportunities for participation and meaningful involvement.

Course Length

Condensed to 6 months (22 weeks with time off, holidays, etc.) There’s no guessing when you will finish this program. There’s no waiting for classes to open up. No delays in meeting graduation requirements.

Typical Week

Telesessions, 60-90 minutes per week. Total of 30 in-class program hours. 

Self-study and homework, 2 to 5 hours per week. Total self-study and homework program hours – 60 (average).

“It’s liberating to know I can apply the principles learned without giving up my own creative signature (approach) in the process.”

Blanca Stephens South Huntington, NY

Register Now

Rebecca Brown

Certified Coach
and CTA Mentor Coach

Wed March 22 @ 9:00 pm

Cody Williams

Certified Coach
and CTA Mentor Coach

Wed March 29 @ 10:00 am

David Krueger, M.D.

Dean of Curriculum 
and CTA Mentor Coach

Wed April 5 @ 1:00 pm

Laurie Cameron

Certified Coach
and CTA Mentor Coach

Tues April 18 @ 7:00 pm

Self Study

Each week you encounter Action Challenges that move you forward, just when you need them. Our dedication to providing the best of coach training has enabled us to develop “just-in-time” learning models specifically designed for new coaches.

“The part of the course I like the best and that is helping me build my practice the most, so far, is the course software. It is very well done and useful. I like the examples, resources, sample brochures, etc.”

Gail Mason Marietta, GA

Observation and Critique

You hear feedback and recommendations from the Mentor Coach throughout the program. After you complete your certification requirements, at the finish of your training, you receive an honest, formal critique.

“I expected support and encouragement, but not at this high level. It has been very rewarding.”

Ann Backes Grand Rapids MI



The Certified Coach Program is certified as 60 hours of Approved Coach Specific Training Hours by the International Coach Federation (ICF). The full program spans 75 hours of total training which includes the business and marketing components of a successful practice.

The Approved Coach Specific Training Hours (ACSTH) designation is awarded to programs that meet professional standards for coach training programs established by the ICF. Graduation from an ACSTH program will meet the ICF’s requirements for individual coach certification for student contact learning hours for the number of hours of the program. ACSTH approval does not warrant or guarantee the effectiveness of the training or the student’s ability to build a successful coaching practice. The individual applicant must take the ICF’s portfolio exam to obtain their credentials.

Code of Ethics

The International Coach Federation and Coach Training Alliance adhere to a form of coaching that honors the client as the expert in his/her life and work, believes that every client is creative, resourceful, and whole. Standing on this foundation, the coach’s responsibility is to:

  • Discover, clarify, and align with what the client wants to achieve
  • Encourage client self-discovery
  • Elicit client-generated solutions and strategies
  • Hold the client responsible and accountable

View the full ICF Code of Ethics here.

Graduation Requirements

  • Attendance in the Becoming a Coach orientation sessions
  • Active participation in -at least- 10 of 12 Group Mentoring sessions
  • Satisfactory participation in -at least- 8 of 10 Coach the Coach sessions
  • Reading and implementation of the Coach Training Accelerator™ text as assigned in the Syllabus
  • Completion of -at least- 80% of the assignments listed in the Syllabus
  • Completion of a minimum of 20 sample sessions
  • Passing the Written Exam and Final Critique Coaching a minimum of two full fee clients

You’re Official!

Upon successful completion of the program you receive your certificate ready for printing and framing. You’ll also be given your official CTA Certified Coach insignia in various formats for use on your website, emails, business cards and stationery.


The course registration fee guarantees your spot in the class. Following registration, you may not transfer classes. You may cancel without penalty if request is received at least 14 days before the course begins. If you cancel 14 days prior to the course start date, we’ll refund the tuition paid. No refunds are made after class begins. Requests must be made in writing, postmarked and mailed to:

Mailing Address:

Coach Training Alliance

217 West Olive St.

Ft. Collins, CO 80521.

ICF Approved Coach Training

Tax Deductible Keep your receipt. In the USA, all expenses of continuing education undertaken to maintain and improve business and professional skills are tax deductible. (Treas. Reg. 1-162-5). Please contact your tax consultant for further information. Accrediting organization is not recognized by the US Department of Education. Coach Training Alliance is a professional skills training organization.