Are you ready to leverage your time and help more people make measurable and sustainable changes in their lives than you ever could coaching one client at a time?
Join the top tier of coaches who are including Group Coaching on the list of services they offer and become knowledgeable about the design, development, and enrollment of Small Coaching Groups.
In each session, Dr. Jackie reveals what you really need to know about the business of group coaching so you can earn what you truly deserve. The presentations are followed by lively Q&A sessions where participants gain clarity and confidence on how to best serve this challenging and exciting market.

Meet Your Mentor Coach
Jackie Black, Ph.D., BCC
Certified Coach and CCP Mentor Coach
Training Benefits and Applications
- Learn the principles of group coaching design that make participants want to stay in your groups for years.
- Understand the difference between enrolling and marketing and become masterful (and have fun) at both!
- Learn the small group coaching format that makes your group members eager to show up and participate week after week.
- Build and diversify your coaching business with Coaching Groups.
- Give potential one-on-one clients a new way to experience your training method through Coaching Groups.
- Discover why you remain affordable by charging less for each participant in the group while greatly increasing your own hourly earnings.
- Understand the back-end business systems required to support a vibrant group coaching business.
- Know how to use Coaching Groups to become an opinion leader in your niche as you promote yourself and your group.

The Art & Science of Coaching Groups is approved by the International Coach Federation (ICF) as 4 Continuing Coach Education Units in the category of Resource Development.
The International Coach Federation and Coach Training Alliance adhere to a form of coaching that honors the client as the expert in his/her life and work, and believes that every client is creative, resourceful, and whole
Standing on this foundation, the coach’s responsibility is to:
- Discover, clarify, and align with what the client wants to achieve
- Encourage client self-discovery
- Elicit client-generated solutions and strategies
- Hold the client responsible and accountable
Requests must be made in writing, postmarked and mailed to:
Coach Training Alliance
217 West Olive St.
Ft. Collins, CO 80521