Coaching Skills

Check-mark-no-background_smallPractice Coaching – Real life coaching.

Check-mark-no-background_smallDetailed feedback from an expert Mentor Coach

Check-mark-no-background_smallBecome a confident, experienced coach before you graduate


Business Skills

Check-mark-no-background_smallThink like an entrepreneur

Check-mark-no-background_smallCreate the ideal picture of your business

Check-mark-no-background_smallSet SMART business goals

Check-mark-no-background_smallDevelop multiple streams of income

Marketing Skills

Check-mark-no-background_smallCreate a clearly defined Niche Market

Check-mark-no-background_smallLearn to attract ideal clients instead of selling your services

Check-mark-no-background_smallLearn to give powerful Sample coaching sessions

Check-mark-no-background_smallDeliver Engaging Conversations that enroll clients


Your new coaching practice is just like a 3 legged stool…


Check-mark-no-background_smallCoaching Skills

Check-mark-no-background_smallBusiness Skills

Check-mark-no-background_smallMarketing Skills


ALL of the skill sets for these three necessary competencies are essential for your professional coaching practice to stand strong, balanced, and secure.

You can be an amazingly skilled coach, but if you haven’t established good business practices and effectively promoted your services, you will never attain the ultimate level of success you deserve.

Look at it this way: If even just one leg of the stool is missing, you will spend most of your time trying to keep it from falling down…

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Kristalyn Ryan

Certified Coach and
CTA Mentor Coach

Mon, July 17th at 9PM ET

Laurie Cameron
Certified Coach
and CTA Mentor Coach

Tues, July 25th at 7PM ET

Nan Einarson

Certified Coach and
CTA Mentor Coach

Wed, July 19th at 1PM ET