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Act Now & Save $500 on Your Certification!


Are You Ready to Become A Coach?

Become a Certified Coach with paying clients and a growing practice—in just 6-months—in this International Coach Federation (ICF) Approved Coach Training

Coaching Skills

Becoming a good coach takes practice and time to hone the craft. If you are the person that people come to for advice – you are probably coaching now – you just don’t know it (or get paid for it).

Business Skills

Starting a business has it’s unique challenges, from “How do I start a coaching practice” right on through “How do I run my coaching business day to day?”

Marketing Skills

Getting started is just the beginning. Your coaching practice will continue to grow and thrive throughout the years when you discover how to attract clients instead of trying to “sell” your services!


It’s All Inclusive in the CTA
Certified Coach Program!

Upon registration you immediately receive your course software. Hundreds of coaches have used the Coach Training Accelerator™ to launch and sustain their careers. It is a completely self-contained coach training program we incorporate here as another facet of our unique learning system.


Act Now & Save $500 on Your Certification!


Use the code
when you checkout
and enjoy the savings!






Wednesday, Sept 16th
at 10AM ET

Class Full

Thursday, Sept 24th
at 1PM ET

Class Full

Thursday, Sept 24th
at 7PM ET

2 Spots Left

Monday, Sept 28th
at 10PM ET

Half Full



Get Certified for just $2,647.00 during this Back To School Special!



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“The part of the course I like the best and that is helping me build my practice the most, so far, is the course software. It is very well done and useful. I like the examples, resources, sample brochures, etc.”
Gail Mason Marietta, GA

“The ‘coach the coach’ sessions and the feedback from those are the heart of the program. Coaching live is where the learning is for me. It builds my confidence and believability.”
Mary Alyce Owens Denver CO

“The materials are extremely comprehensive. I have talked with other coaches who are going through other programs and they are amazed at the fact that I already have a business plan, I’m working on a website and I’m already coaching clients.”
Stacye York Sand Spring, OK


Questions?  Call Lisa right now!

303 991 0388