Coach Training Alliance wants to reward your dedication to lifelong learning by covering your ICF dues when you certify!

Your success is our passion!


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Here’s what you get right now:

  • Download the bestselling coaches handbook Exploring Coaching right now
  • Download Think & Grow Rich For Coaches right now
  • Access to The Neuroscience of Change with Dr. David Krueger

Exploring Coaching

A step-by-step guide to a fulfilling and rewarding career. If you’re just getting started or looking for help in discovering your coaching niche, this is the perfect handbook. Exploring Coaching takes you on an exciting journey starting with the first 5 Critical Steps. Ten dynamic coaches share their experiences AND their path to becoming successful.

Download Now

 Think & Grow Rich For Coaches

Napoleon Hill’s timeless classic now updated and revised specifically for coaches by Will Craig. Discover the famous formula and universal truths that spawned an entire personal growth industry. For some readers, the book helps them get their lives on track. For others, the insights are life-changing. Still others become disciples for the principles laid out between the covers of this e-book.

Download Now.

david-krueger_05The Neuroscience of Change

An interview with Lisa Pisano, CTACC & David Krueger, M.D.

The Neuroscience of Change uncovers the breakthrough strategies for strategic mentor coaching. In the last very few years, we have seen revolutionary changes in our knowledge of mind and brain science. Valuable insights into mind, brain, and behavior have come from neuroscience, psychology, quantum physics, molecular biology and behavioral economics.


The Neuroscience of Change

by Lisa Pisano & Dave Krueger

Coach Training Alliance Covers Your ICF Fees

You read that right!

Coach Training Alliance will cover your first year of ICF dues when you graduate from the Certified Coach Program!

Aim for the stars – CTA will help you get there!

Free Sage & Scholars Guides to Coaching

Your Expert Guides

The best and the brightest professionals in each topic area are contributing their expertise to The Sage and Scholar’s Guide® series. CTA has partnered with seasoned professionals who have garnered the credentials, accolades, and success that come with eating, sleeping, and breathing their coaching specialty.

Access To The CTA Virtual Classroom

All of your training is delivered via teleclasses and the state of the art Virtual Classroom that provides access 24/7 to all your training materials and keeps you connected to your peers in between the weekly calls.

Free Coaching Website - Save Up to $750!


One of the biggest challenges facing new coaches today is their website. There are simply way too many options out there that you can easily become overwhelmed with information overload.

To make this as easy as possible for you – all you need to do to get started on your first website is create an account on the network and you have your coaching website online in a matter of minutes – for FREE!

Free Listing on The Life Coach Directory

All CTA Certified Coaches are eligible for a completely free listing on the highly ranked CTA Coach Directory as soon as you graduate! CTA helps you grow your coaching business like no other training school can!

$250 off Coaching Systems and Licensed Programs

When it comes to getting your ‘act together’ as a coach, there’s nothing better, faster, or easier than using a system. The coaching systems featured below provide an integrated, step-by-step structure for establishing purpose and achieving objectives with your clients.

$250 off New Life Story Coach Training

New Life Story™ Coach Training and Licensing a complete, turnkey system for coaching clients to the life they’ve always wanted. With this program–and the guidance of David Krueger, MD–you coach clients in writing new chapters into their lives they never thought possible. Become licensed to use a program that enables you to increase the length of your coaching engagements 6-12 months, and more.