Coach With Intuition

Webster’s dictionary defines spirit as “the immaterial intelligent or sentient part of a person.” It is the wisdom within each of us, beyond years and experience. Its origins are mysterious, and many believe that our spirit lives on beyond our body in a non-physical plane. For some, spirit is indelibly linked with the Divine. “Spirit” comes from the Latin word spiritus, meaning breath.” It may be that our spirit is the life force that generates vitality in our bodies: esprit de corps – the spirit of the body, the breath of life. In the ancient roots of the English language, there is an understanding of spirit that in our culture often gets overlooked. At a stressful pace, we live each day running down tasks. Most of our focus and energy has literally gone to our heads. We tend to give more value to information that comes from our brains, finding their great powers of analysis and judgment. But this is also where fear and anxiety are born, emotions that keep us dispirited – small and weak- not all that we can be. Our spirit life is jailed by our own choices and experience. Coaching offers the key to the cell’s door to step back into a place of spiritual fulfillment. With even a cursory look, spirit can be found in all living beings. It is a great power center just waiting to give direction and meaning to our lives. Whether we believe it to be a connection with God, the source of all life, or each person’s innate wisdom, spirit is a resource that we can draw upon. “The life of God within us.” It is thought that our spirit resides in the center of our bodies near our hearts. Sometimes we refer to it as our heart, receiving messages from there that have the power to awaken our aliveness – “in my heart I know…” Saint Teresa on the definition of Spirit “Spirit” comes from the Latin word spiritus, meaning breath.” It may be that our spirit is the life force that generates vitality in our bodies: esprit de corps – the spirit of the body, the breath of life. In the ancient roots of the English language, there is an understanding of spirit that in our culture often gets overlooked. At a stressful pace, we live each day running down tasks. Most of our focus and energy has literally gone to our heads. We tend to give more value to information that comes from our brains, finding their great powers of analysis and judgment. But this is also where fear and anxiety are born, emotions that keep us dispirited – small and weak- not all that we can be. Our spirit life is jailed by our own choices and experience. Spiritual coaching offers the key to the cell’s door to step back into a place of spiritual fulfillment. With even a cursory look, spirit can be found in all living beings. It is a great power center just waiting to give direction and meaning to our lives. Whether we believe it to be a connection with God, the source of all life, or each person’s innate wisdom, spirit is a resource that we can draw upon. At Coach Training Alliance, we give you the tools and skills you need to cultivate a daily practice of personal growth in yourself and others. With coaching training, business development, and marketing expertise, we help you chart a path for success from the beginning. Being a spiritual life coach can allow you to change people’s lives. With a pledge to succeed, so too will your business and clients. Begin Spiritually Coaching Clients that Resonate with You and Enroll in One of the Coach Training Alliance Programs Featured Below! service-alt Free Become a Coach Teleclass service-alt Certified Coach Program