Sage & Scholars Guide to Coaching Career Transitions


The Art & Science of Guiding Your Clients to Their ‘Right Work’ and a Better Life

Downsizing, mergers, and acquisitions are commonplace in today’s working world. These, along with the strong desire for a better life, are all factors in the skyrocketing demand for Career Coaching.

Statistics show one-in-four workers are currently dissatisfied with their jobs and 60% of workers plan to leave their jobs within the next two years. Add to this… the average person is likely to change careers at least 3-5 times throughout their life.


The Art & Science of Guiding Your Clients to Their ‘Right Work’ and a Better Life

Downsizing, mergers, and acquisitions are commonplace in today’s working world. These, along with the strong desire for a better life, are all factors in the skyrocketing demand for Career Coaching.

Statistics show one-in-four workers are currently dissatisfied with their jobs and 60% of workers plan to leave their jobs within the next two years. Add to this… the average person is likely to change careers at least 3-5 times throughout their life.

  • Discover if career coaching is right for you and how to find your place in this lucrative niche.
  • Find and choose clients that willingly and easily pay you what you are worth and enthusiastically recommend you to others.
  • Create an irresistible menu of coaching services by “productizing” your offerings.
  • Market your practice using a simple and straightforward approach that is easy and fits your personality.
  • Attract the ideal clients to your Career Coaching practice and have those prospects say YES on the spot.
  • Be confident in quoting and earning top fees, plus, learn the value-added services that increase your earnings significantly.
  • Structure your sessions and uncover the pivotal questions that help your clients attain their goals quickly.

Who Is This Program For?

Any coach wishing to specialize in Career Coaching or wanting to better assist their existing clients to find a more rewarding and fulfilling career.