Are You a Professional Life Coach?

Have you ever made concessions to get a client to hire you? Offered a second sample session; reduced your fees; or set session times when you don’t want to work? Have you jumped at an opportunity without considering if it will over-commit and under value your time?

Almost every coach makes these slips in judgment at some point. Eventually they realize that the costs to their credibility, profitability and professionalism aren’t worth it.

Use these four professional business practices and watch your coaching business grow:

  1. Value your time highly and pay yourself well. Discounting your services will cost you in ways you never counted: your client will discount the value of your coaching, invest less in themselves, and feel disempowered because you took on their financial issues just to get them to hire you.
  2. Hold time boundaries. If your stated session times are an hour, deliver an hour. If you spend extra time with a client, do so rarely and consciously. Tell them: “I’d like to gift you ten extra minutes today.” They will respect the way you honored your time and theirs.
  3. Want only as much for your clients as they want for themselves. If you’re frustrated about your client’s progress, then you’re attached to outcome and wasting precious energy. Coach them through obstacles, challenge them to play a bigger game, and let go of outcome.
  4. Set success criteria and only say ‘yes’ to opportunities that:
  • Align with your values.
  • Showcase your skill and build visibility with your niche market.
  • Promise to bring a high return on your investment of time.

These four practices speak volumes about your professionalism while they also bring you more ideal clients.

Author: Rhonda Hess is an internationally recognized mentor coach and known as the Niche Success Strategist. Rhonda is also the co-author of the Coach Training AcceleratorTM and designer of CTA’s Certified Coach Program. Rhonda’s Prosperous Coach Blog has won Best Coaching Blog awards for 2010 and 2011. Check out her blog here: Prosperous Coach.